- http://www.instructables.com/id/Open-Source-CNC-Toolpathing-Workflow/ -- this video shows how to turn a picture via Gimp, Inkscape and PyCAM into GCode
- http://fablabamersfoort.nl/downloads/fablab-instructable.pdf -- how to set up a FabLab in seven days
- http://wiki.protospace.nl/index.php/GeneratingGcodeWithPycam -- turn a puzzle-like shape into GCode
- http://popcon2.net/package/pycam.html -- PyCAM installed by Ubuntu users (registered via popcon)
- http://opensourceecology.org/wiki/Industrial_Robot_Mechanical_Design#Toolchain_for_Toolpaths_.28Mechanical.29 -- modeling chain description
- http://www.mechanicaldesignforum.com/forum/kb.php?a=22 (as HTML) -- using PyCAM or Blender for toolpath generation
- http://fablabamersfoort.nl/?nl/Mantis+handleiding (nl) -- using PyCAM with a Mantis machine
- http://wiki.dingfabrik.de/index.php/Geraete:Basic_540_CNC (german) -- generating a gear wheel toolpath
- http://www.resinaddict.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=443 -- using a Walther 2520
- http://wiki.zentoolworks.com/index.php/Concept_to_cut_tutorial -- short review of some CAD/CAM packages
- http://replicat.org/generators -- list of GCode generators at http://replicat.org
- http://wiki.protospace.nl/index.php/Generating3DGcodeWithPycam - very concise howto
- http://cncprinter.blogspot.com/2010/11/pycam-emc2.html - very short article
- http://gpl.coulmann.de/cnc/cam_talk_1.0.pdf -- presentation about CAM software and format converters (2009)