Video tutorials are useful for presenting the various features of PyCAM to new users.

The existing video tutorials can be found at vimeo.

Providing these videos in different languages is quite simple - you just need to translate a small subtitles file. This will usually take around 15 minutes.

Available videos

Video Subtitle files Languages

Toolpaths for 2D models (incl. simulation) download en, de Using multi-layered 2D models download en, de

How to translate

  1. download an existing subtitle file (preferably in English)
  2. copy the file to (e.g.
  3. open the file with an editor that is capable of handling the UTF-8 character set (almost every modern editor should suffice)
  4. replace the English strings with your translations
  5. store the file - BEWARE: specify the UTF-8 encoding, please!
  6. send the file to the developer's mailing list:

Afterwards a PyCAM developer will transcode a new video with your subtitles and upload it to PyCAM's video channel.

Thanks for your contribution!