System requirements for PyCAM

PyCAM currently runs on Unix/Linux.

Older releases of PyCAM were also running on Windows and MacOS (via MacPorts).

Please document your experiences here, if you successfully used PyCAM with other operating systems.


Install the following packages with your package manager (see below):

  • python3
  • python3-gi
  • python3-opengl
  • gir1.2-gtk-3.0 (GTK: at least v3.16)

If your distribution does not ship GTK v3.16 or newer (e.g. Debian Jessie contains only v3.14), then you need to use an older release of PyCAM. The older releases (e.g. v0.6.x) depend on Python2 and GTK2 - thus they should work well even with rather old distributions.

Debian / Ubuntu

Run the following command in a root terminal:

apt-get install python3-gi python3-opengl gir1.2-gtk-3.0


Run the following command in a root terminal:

zypper install python3-gi python3-opengl


Run the following command in a root terminal:

yum install python3-gi python3-opengl


The latest releases do not run under Windows.

You may want to use the standalone executable of v0.5.1 (the latest release supporting Windows). This old version is not maintained anymore - but maybe you are lucky and it just works for you.


Please take a look at Installation MacOS for the details of installing PyCAM's requirements via MacPorts.

Optional external programs

Some features of PyCAM require additional external programs.

SVG/PS/EPS import

PyCAM supports only STL and DXF files natively. Native SVG support is available since PyCAM v0.7. For previous versions you need to install external programs for the conversions of other file formats.

Debian / Ubuntu

apt-get install inkscape pstoedit


zypper install inkscape pstoedit


yum install inkscape pstoedit


Download and install the following programs:

Hint: there is no need to install GraphicMagick - even though pstoedit suggests it.